Если вы разместили своё приложение в Google Play и вам так повезло, что оно начало приносить какие-то деньги, то рано или поздно перед вами станет вопрос, как эти деньги получить. По этому поводу написано уже немало полезных инструкций, и их успешное прохождение должно гарантировать вам отсутствие проблем с валютным контролем вашего банка при получении платежа от Google Wallet (бывший Google Checkout).
Разбираясь недавно с этим вопросом, мы столкнулись с необходимостью предоставить в банк наш договор с Google Play. Этот договор существует в виде публичной оферты (вот ссылка) и проблема в том, что он предоставляется Гуглом только на английском языке.
Изрядно покопавшись в недрах интернета, мы смогли найти хороший перевод. Однако, оказалось, что тот перевод от 2012 года уже устарел, и в текущей редакции (от 5 августа 2013 года) есть моменты, которые не переведены. В итоге, мы обратились к профессионалам, которые перевели нам недостающие куски договора. Результат выкладываем сюда на всеобщее пользование.
Ссылка на перевод договора от 5 августа 2013 года
Под катом интересные моменты, которые, как мы заметили, были добавлены Google в новую редакцию этого договора.
В версии от 19 сентября 2012 в пункте 2.3 было написано:
2.3 Limitations on the Use of Service. Seller must comply with the Policies and any other limits concerning use of the Service as updated by GPC from time to time, including without limitation:
(i) the Integration Guidelines;
(ii) the Button and Acceptance Logo Guidelines and the Google Brand Feature Guidelines;
(iii) GPC requirements for data security;
В версии от 5 августа 2013 года Google решил расширить понятие в пункте (iii):
(iii) GPC requirements for data security and privacy, including the Google Privacy Policy and Google Wallet Privacy Notice;
В версии от 2012 года в пункте 6.3 было написано:
6.3 Payment Adjustments. Seller acknowledges that Buyers may retain a chargeback right pursuant to card association and network rules and/or their agreement with the holder of the Payment Account (including a Carrier), and GPC will have the right (but not the obligation) to pass chargebacks to Seller if the particular transactions are not covered by the Payment Guarantee Policy. As to particular Payment Transactions, GPC may withhold payments or reverse previous payments if:
(i) a Buyer makes a claim to GPC for a refund or other reversal or
(ii) GPC believes that the Payment Transactions are invalid, involve misconduct or fraud (such as fraudulent use of a payment instrument), or otherwise violate applicable law, this Agreement, or the Policies. Seller agrees to cooperate with GPC and to provide any information that may be reasonably requested by GPC in its investigation of any of the foregoing circumstances.
В 2013 году туда добавилась ещё одна фраза:
(ii) GPC believes that the Payment Transactions are invalid, involve misconduct or fraud (such as fraudulent use of a payment instrument), or otherwise violate applicable law, this Agreement, or the Policies. Seller agrees to cooperate with GPC and to provide any information that may be reasonably requested by GPC in its investigation of any of the foregoing circumstances. GPC may withhold payment amounts to Seller in the event GPC requires additional informational from Seller to complete a credit or other background inquiry pursuant to Section 3.2.
Ну и третье изменение коснулось секции 7 (CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS)
7.1 Confidentiality. Seller will hold confidential and will not use any Buyer information obtained through the Service, except for uses expressly permitted by the Program Policies. Seller acknowledges that Buyer information received by GPC in connection with the Service is subject to the Service Privacy Policy. Seller will not disclose or cause to be disclosed any GPC Confidential Information without GPC's prior written consent, except to those employees, agents, representatives, or contractors of Seller who require access to GPC Confidential Information to perform under this Agreement («Authorized Personnel») and who are bound by a written agreement not to disclose third party confidential information. Seller agrees that Seller is responsible for any act and/or omission of any Authorized Personnel in breach of this paragraph. Seller agrees to use the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, as Seller uses with respect to its own information of a similar nature to protect the GPC Confidential Information and to prevent communication of GPC Confidential Information to any unauthorized third parties. «GPC Confidential Information» includes without limitation:
7.1 Confidentiality. Seller will hold confidential and will not use or share any Buyer information obtained through the Service, except to process the transaction the Buyer requested and maintain the Buyer's account with the Seller, or as otherwise expressly permitted by the Program Policies. Seller acknowledges that Buyer information received from GPC in connection with the Service is subject to the Google Wallet Privacy Notice, and Seller agrees it will not use or share Buyer information obtained from GPC in any manner that contravenes the Google Wallet Privacy Notice. Seller will not disclose or cause to be disclosed any GPC Confidential Information without GPC's prior written consent, except to those employees, agents, representatives, or contractors of Seller who require access to GPC Confidential Information to perform under this Agreement («Authorized Personnel») and who are bound by a written agreement not to disclose third party confidential information. Seller agrees that Seller is responsible for any act and/or omission of any Authorized Personnel in breach of this paragraph. Seller agrees to use the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, as Seller uses with respect to its own information of a similar nature to protect the GPC Confidential Information and to prevent communication of GPC Confidential Information to any unauthorized third parties. «GPC Confidential Information» includes without limitation:
В общем-то, видно, что ничего страшного в лицензионном соглашении не поменялось, что и ожидалось. В любом случае, надеемся, что выложенный нами документ поможем вам сэкономить время и побыстрее получить свои кровно-заработанные средства.
Хорошего всем дня!
Автор: organizy