Вышел релиз FreeBSD 9.1

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Релиз FreeBSD 9.1 вышел около двух недель (а вернее в срок, 5 декабря) назад, однако официального анонса не было. Скачать можно с зеркала yandex mirror.yandex.ru/freebsd/releases/ISO-IMAGES/9.1/
Официальное зеркало рекомендую пожалеть, пользуйтесь зеркалами (например тем же yandex)
Также используйте svn/cvs/ctm для получения исходников и переборки, подробности можно прочитать во FreeBSD Handbook.

Список изменений представлен в файле UPDATING


The sparc64 ZFS loader has been changed to no longer try to auto-
detect ZFS providers based on diskN aliases but now requires these
to be explicitly listed in the OFW boot-device environment variable.

Now unix domain sockets behave «as expected» on nullfs(5). Previously
nullfs(5) did not pass through all behaviours to the underlying layer,
as a result if we bound to a socket on the lower layer we could connect
only to the lower path; if we bound to the upper layer we could connect
only to the upper path. The new behavior is one can connect to both the
lower and the upper paths regardless what layer path one binds to.

The acpi_wmi(4) status device /dev/wmistat has been renamed to

A new VOP_ADVISE() was added to support posix_fadvise(2). All
filesystem modules must be recompiled.

The interface of the VOP_VPTOCNP(9) changed, now the returned
vnode shall be referenced, previously it was required to be
only held. All in-tree filesystems are converted.

Автор: litos


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