Сегодня стало известно, что USPS решили отсрочить запрет на доставку устройств с литиевыми батареями до 16 мая. Изначально он должен был вступить в силу 7 мая.
С 16 мая 2012 планируется запретить доставку литиевых батарей авиапочтой до января 2013 года (тогда вроде должны разрешить перевозить литиевые батареи в составе устройств). Правила касаются только международных перевозок, внутренние перевозки в США, остаются без запретов.
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Полный текст письма USPS с форума Shipito
Effective May 16 2012 until January 2013, the Postal Service will not be able to accept packages containing lithium batteries and electronic devices containing lithium batteries addressed to international destinations. This includes mail destined to, or from, APO (Army Post Office), FPO (Fleet Post Office) and DPO (Diplomatic Post Office) locations.
This change is required by the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU), both of which currently prohibit lithium batteries in mail shipments that are carried on international commercial air transportation.
This change will not apply to packages containing lithium batteries and electronic devices containing lithium batteries when mailed within the United States on domestic commercial air or ground transportation.
International organizations apply different rules to the carriage of lithium batteries in mail shipments carried on commercial aircraft as compared to domestic requirements.
We anticipate that by January 2013, international aviation rules will be changed to allow mailing of lithium batteries when installed in the personal electronic devices they are intended to operate.
USPS is working with expert organizations to determine if any new exceptions can be developed prior to January 2013. Further announcements will be made should USPS be able to accept lithium batteries in certain types of mail shipments as soon as any new options become available.
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Автор: zapimir