Буквально несколько часов назад на почту упало два письма счастья, имевших большой общий кусок маркетингового текста о том, как скайп хорошо развивается, и как здорово разработчикам будет с ним взаимодействовать через огрызок старого API в виде скайповских URL.
Содержательная же часть заключалась в следующем:
In order to deliver a consistent Skype experience and because SkypeKit has never supported cross platform development, we have decided to de-commission SkypeKit. Going forward, developers will be able to write applications, which use features of Skype across all the major platforms, through the use of Skype URIs. We believe this will allow developers to create innovative mobile, web and desktop solutions, while retaining a familiar and consistent Skype experience across devices. For developers with innovative communications solutions in the enterprise space, I encourage you to explore the extensive Lync APIs.
Although we will continue to support SkypeKit for the next 12 months, in September the certification of new devices will cease. As a result, we wanted to give you notice now so you have the opportunity to modify your development in response to these changes.
As a consequence of this, we have decided to retire our Desktop APIs. These APIs were originally created in 2004 and do not support mobile application development. Going forward, developers will be able to write applications, which use features of Skype across all the major platforms, through the use of Skype URIs. We believe this will allow developers to create innovative mobile, web and desktop solutions, while retaining a familiar and consistent Skype experience across devices.
Although we will continue to support the Desktop API for the rest of 2013, in September the App Directory will close, chat functionality through the API will stop working and we will begin notifying users with messaging in Skype for Desktop. As a result, we wanted to give you notice now so you have the opportunity to modify your application in response to these changes.
Таким образом Skype Desktop API проработает до конца года (магазин приложений будет закрыт в сентябре), SkypeKit же ещё будут поддерживать 12 месяцев. В качестве альтернативы ему предлагается использовать Lync
Автор: kekekeks