Добрый день. Меня зовут Никита Башун, работаю дата-аналитиком в группе компаний «Везёт». Мой рассказ будет о том, как мы командой из трёх человек с нуля создавали систему антифрода для сервиса заказа поездок.
Рубрика «taxi»
Создание системы антифрода в такси с нуля
2020-07-28 в 5:48, admin, рубрики: analytics, antifraud, Google API, python, spreadsheets, sql, taxi, Анализ и проектирование системCitymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 4
2019-05-07 в 9:43, admin, рубрики: CityMobil, taxi, Анализ и проектирование систем, Блог компании Mail.Ru Group, высокая производительность, Развитие стартапа, Управление продуктомThis is the next article of the series describing how we’re increasing our service availability in Citymobil (you can read the previous parts here: part 1, part 2, part 3). In further parts, I’ll talk about the accidents and outages in detail.
1. Bad release: database overload
Let me begin with a specific example of this type of outage. We deployed an optimization: added USE INDEX in an SQL query; during testing as well as in production, it sped up short queries, but the long ones — slowed down. The long queries slowdown was only noticed in production. As a result, a lot of long parallel queries caused the database to be down for an hour. We thoroughly studied the way USE INDEX worked; we described it in the Do’s and Dont’s file and warned the engineers against the incorrect usage. We also analyzed the query and realized that it retrieves mostly historical data and, therefore, can be run on a separate replica for historical requests. Even if this replica goes down due to an overload, the business will keep running.
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Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 2
2019-04-25 в 9:03, admin, рубрики: CityMobil, taxi, Анализ и проектирование систем, Блог компании Mail.Ru Group, высокая производительность, Развитие стартапа, Управление продуктомThis is a second article out of a series «Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups». You can read the first part here. Let’s continue to talk about the way we managed to improve the availability of Citymobil services. In the first article, we learned how to count the lost trips. Ok, we are counting them. What now? Now that we are equipped with an understandable tool to measure the lost trips, we can move to the most interesting part — how do we decrease losses? Without slowing down our current growth! Since it seemed to us that the lion’s share of technical problems causing the trips loss had something to do with the backend, we decided to turn our attention to the backend development process first. Jumping ahead of myself, I’m going to say that we were right — the backend became the main site of the battle for the lost trips.
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Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 1
2019-04-22 в 15:52, admin, рубрики: CityMobil, taxi, Анализ и проектирование систем, Блог компании Mail.Ru Group, высокая производительность, Развитие стартапа, Управление продуктомIn this first part of an article series «Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups» I’m going to break down the way we managed to dramatically scale up the availability of Citymobil services. The article opens with the story about our business, our task, the reason for this task to increase the availability emerged and limitations. Citymobil is a rapid-growing taxi aggregator. In 2018, it increased by more than 15 times in terms of number of successfully completed trips. Some months showed 50% increase compared with the previous month.
The business grew like a weed in every direction (it still does): there was an increase in server load, team size and number of deployments. At the same time the new threats to service availability emerged. The company faced a task of the most importance – how to increase availability without compromising company growth. In this article, I’ll talk about the way we managed to solve this task in a relatively short time.
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Немецкий суд запретил работать водителям Uber без лицензии
2015-03-19 в 11:30, admin, рубрики: taxi, uber, зеленоглазое такси, облачные сервисы, смартфоны
Немецкий суд постановил запретить использование сервиса Uber водителям, не имеющим лицензии таксиста. За каждое нарушение компании придётся заплатить штраф в размере €250'000. Именно таким образом коллегия из трёх судей выразила свою поддержку местным таксопаркам. Uber заявили, что продолжат предоставлять услуги силами лицензированных таксистов и водителей лимузинов. Компания занимается разработкой дополнений к сервису, которые помогут ей работать в условиях немецкого законодательства.
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