Рубрика «adobe after effects»

Server-provided animations in iOS apps - 1

Hi everyone! About six months ago we launched one of Badoo’s most exciting features: Live Streaming. One of its main functionalities is that viewers can send gifts to their favourite streamers to express their appreciation. We wanted to make the gifts as fancy and as engaging as possible, so it was decided to make some of them really lively, and by this I mean animated. And to engage people even more, we, the Badoo team, planned to update those gifts and animations every few weeks.

As an iOS engineer, you might have already guessed the challenge we faced here: the need to add new animations and remove the old ones was going to require a fair amount of work from the client side. We’d need both the Android and the iOS development teams for every release — which, when combined with the amount of time App Store reviews and approval often take, would mean it might be days before each update could go live. But we solved the problem, and I’m going to explain to you how.

Solution overview

By this stage, we already knew how to export Adobe After Effects (AAE) animations into the format readable by our iOS app using the Lottie library. This time though, we went a bit further: we decided to create a kind of animation storage service, available via the internet. In other words, we would store all the actual animations on the server and deliver them to the client apps on demand:
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Сегодня мы рассмотрим один из способов совмещения 3D графики и видео. Для этого нам потребуется:

  • Видео
  • Программа Adobe After Effects (я буду демонстрировать на версии CC 2017)
  • Плагин Element 3D
  • Необходимая 3D модель

Обратите внимание на то, как и где вы будете снимать ваше видео. Учтите, что чем больше в вашем видео будет различных деталей, тем проще программе производить трекинг точек, к которым впоследствии будет привязываться 3D объект.

Для начала открываем Adobe After Effects. В появившемся окне нажимаем Новый проект...

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