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Перечень шпаргалок ссылкой
ID Title Downloads Tags
1 GWT Style, Configuration and JSNI Reference 27,995 #Java #JavaScript
2 Silverlight 2 17,892 #.NET #C# #Design/UX
3 Getting Started with Fitnesse 14,9 #ALM
4 JDBC Best Practices 40,08 #Architecture #Database #Java #Standards
5 Flex 4 and Spring 3 Integration 18,806 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers #XML
6 Leveraging ColdFusion 9 Exposed Services from Java 5,509 #ColdFusion #Java #Web Services/Servers
7 Getting Started with Apache Ant 27,359 #ALM #Java #Open Source #XML
8 Getting Started with NoSQL and Data Scalability 33,867 #Big Data #Database #NoSQL
9 Expression-Based Authorization with Spring Security 3 22,349 #Java #Security #XML
10 Getting Started with Griffon 10,471 #Groovy #Open Source
11 Getting Started with Firebug 1.5 29,832 #ALM #CSS #HTML #JavaScript
12 Getting Started with Kanban for Software Development 27,972 #Agile/Methodologies
13 IntelliJ IDEA 21,784 #ALM #IDE
14 Objective-C for the iPhone and iPad 28,679 #C/C++ #iOS
15 Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 20,115 #.NET #Web Services/Servers
16 Getting Started with UML 59,491 #ALM #Architecture #Open Source
17 Getting Started with Adobe Flash Catalyst 6,72 #Design/UX #Flex/ActionScript
18 Application Prototyping with SketchFlow 21,377 #.NET #ALM #Design/UX
19 Getting Started with Infinispan 11,529 #Database #Java #NoSQL #Open Source #XML
20 Adobe ColdFusion Web Services for PHP Programmers 6,29 #ColdFusion #PHP #Web Services/Servers
21 Getting Started with Apache Hadoop 36,68 #Architecture #Big Data #Database #Open Source
22 Getting Started with Visual Studio 2010 23,687 #.NET #C# #IDE
23 Getting Started with Application Lifecycle Management 28,231 #ALM
24 Getting Started with GlassFish Application Server v3 18,309 #Java #Standards #Web Services/Servers
25 Apache Solr: Getting Optimal Search Results 23,542 #Algorithms #Search #Web Services/Servers #XML
26 Open Source Media Framework: Building Simple Custom Video Players 10,224 #Design/UX #Flex/ActionScript #Video/Animation
27 Functional Programming with Clojure: Simple Concurrency on the JVM 15,713 #Clojure #Java
28 HTML5: New Standards for Web Interactivity 65,144 #HTML #Standards
29 PHPUnit: PHP Test-Driven Development — Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality 15,249 #ALM #PHP
30 Selenium 2.0: Using the WebDriver API to Create Robust User Acceptance Tests 22,236 #ALM #JavaScript #Open Source
31 Liferay Essentials: A Definitive Guide for Enterprise Portal Development 19,162 #Content Management #Design/UX #Java
32 Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows Phone 7 9,219 #.NET #Windows Phone
33 What's New in JPA 2.0 27,01 #Database #Java #Standards
34 REST: Foundations of RESTful Architecture 59,501 #Standards #Web Services/Servers
35 RSS and Atom 24,525 #Content Management #Web Services/Servers
36 Designing Quality Software: Architectural and Technical Best Practices 41,401 #Architecture
37 ADO.NET Entity Framework: Object-Relational Mapping and Data Access 16,27 #.NET #Database #IDE
38 Mastering Portals with a Portlet Bridge 10,307 #Architecture #Content Management #Design/UX #Java #Standards
39 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint for Reliable Distributed Computing 19,111 #Algorithms #Architecture #Big Data #Database #Open Source
40 Cloud Computing with Windows Azure Platform 13,175 #.NET #Cloud #Windows
41 The MVVM Design Pattern: A Formula for Elegant, Maintainable Mobile Apps 21,477 #.NET #Architecture #Windows Phone
42 WebMatrix: Advanced Web Development Made Simple 14,507 #.NET #Content Management #E-Commerce #PHP #Windows
43 Understanding Lucene: Powering Better Search Results 18,619 #Algorithms #Java #Search #XML
44 RichFaces 4.0: A Next Generation JSF Framework 17,449 #
45 Spring Roo: Making Java Fun Again 25,027 #IDE #Java
46 NetBeans IDE 7: Programming in Java 7 27,054 #IDE #Java #NetBeans
47 Mule 3.3: Simplifying SOA 10,719 #SOA #Open Source #Web Services/Servers
48 Node.js: Building for Scalability with Server-Side JavaScript 35,966 #JavaScript #Open Source
49 Adobe Flash Builder 4.5: Develop for Web, Desktop and Mobile 10,457 #Flex/ActionScript #IDE
50 ColdFusion Builder 2: Faster Coding, Less Errors 4,261 #ColdFusion #IDE
51 EclipseLink JPA: An Advanced ORM Persistence Framework 19,107 #Database #Eclipse #Java
52 Continuous Delivery: Patterns and Antipatterns in the Software Lifecycle 36,61 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
53 Flex Mobile Development: Build Apps for Android, iOS, and BlackBerry Tablet OS 14,446 #Android #Flex/ActionScript #IDE #iOS
54 Eclipse Tools for Spring: The SpringSource Tool Suite 24,575 #Eclipse #IDE #Java
55 Mastering Portal UI Development With Vaadin and Liferay 18,368 #Content Management #Design/UX #Java
56 Chef: An Open Source Tool for Scalable Cloud and Data Center Automation 13,741 #
57 Groovy 40,267 #Groovy #Java
58 Java Enterprise Edition 6: The Most Elegant Enterprise Java yet 30,351 #Java
59 HTML5 Canvas: A Web Standard for Dynamic Graphics 34,355 #HTML #Standards #JavaScript
60 HTML5 WebSocket: Full-duplex Real-time Web Communication 28,644 #HTML #Standards #JavaScript
61 Apache Cassandra: A Fault-Tolerant, Massively Scalable NoSQL Database 17,992 #Database #NoSQL
62 Jetty: A Lightweight, Open-Source Web Server and Servlet Container 16,743 #Java #Web Services/Servers
63 Mockito: A Simple, Intuitive Mocking Framework 29,142 #Java #Agile/Methodologies
64 JavaFX 2.0: A Rich Client Platform for Java 13,203 #Java #Design/UX
65 Database Partitioning with MySQL: Improving Performance, Availability, and Manageability 14,573 #Database #Open Source
66 Big Data Machine Learning: Patterns for Predictive Analytics 21,682 #Algorithms #Database #Big Data
67 Apache HBase: The NoSQL Database for Hadoop and Big Data 13,013 #Database #Big Data
68 C# 55,46 #.NET #C#
69 Data Warehousing: Best Practices for Collecting, Storing, and Delivering Decision-Support Data 12,238 #Database #Big Data #Business Intelligence/Reporting
70 Jenkins on PaaS: Continuous Integration with Jenkins for Java Projects 13,335 #CI #Open Source #Java
71 Java Profiling with VisualVM: X-Ray Vision for Dramatic Performance Gains 16,643 #Java
72 Code Gems for Android Developers: Working with the World's Most Popular Mobile OS 18,868 #Java #Android
73 Getting Started with Scala 23,975 #JVM #Java #Scala
74 Deployment Automation Patterns 21,75 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
75 Patterns of Modular Architecture 27,011 #Architecture #Java #Eclipse
76 Software Configuration Management Patterns 16,036 #Architecture #Agile
77 Refactoring Patterns 23,038 #Architecture #Java #
78 Essential Apache HTTP Server 20,52 #Web Services/Servers #LAMP
79 Very First Steps in Flex 26,925 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers
80 Camel Essential Components 11,567 #Architecture #Java #XML
81 MongoDB 25,073 #Architecture #NoSQL #Database
82 HTTP: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol 26,583 #Web Services/Servers #Standards
83 Core JSON: The Fat Free Alternative to XML 32,942 #JavaScript
84 Object-Oriented JavaScript: Advanced Techniques for Serious Web Applications 33,971 #JavaScript
85 Core Dart: The Next-Generation Client-Side Web Programming Language 10,128 #JavaScript
86 Essential Couchbase APIs: Open Source NoSQL Data Access from Java, Ruby, and .NET 8,245 #Database #Java #.NET #Ruby
87 HTML5 Web Workers: Multithreaded JavaScript for High-Performance Web Applications 19,531 #HTML #Javascript #Architecture
88 Git Patterns and Anti-Patterns: Scaling from Workgroup to Enterprise 20,243 #ALM #Open Source
89 Sencha Touch 9,252 #HTML #JavaScript #Android
90 Core .NET 34,007 #.NET #C#
91 Preparing for Continuous Delivery 12,877 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
92 Binary Repository Management: Patterns for Performance, Security, and Traceability 8,516 #DevOps #ALM
93 Practical DNS: Managing Domains for Safety, Reliability, and Speed 13,639 #DevOps #ALM
94 Data Mining: Discovering and Visualizing Patterns with Python 13,635 #Database #Python #Architecture #Big Data
95 Core Spring Data 15,23 #Database #Java #Architecture #NoSQL
96 Getting Started with Subversion 12,709 #ALM #Open Source
97 HTML5 Mobile Development 17,655 #HTML #HTML5
98 Spring Batch 12,015 #Spring #Java #Architecture #framework
99 Business Rules Management with Drools 9,422 #Java #BPM
100 Core C++ 13,852 #C++ #Core
101 Core CSS: Part I 82,513 #CSS
102 Essential PostGIS 4,315 #PostGIS #Geodata
103 Getting Started with PhoneGap 10,772 #Mobile #HTML5 #PhoneGap
104 CSS3: Basics 18,182 #CSS #CSS3 #Web Design
105 Core Python 17,166 #Python #Core
106 Search Patterns 12,914 #Search #Patterns
107 HTML5 IndexedDB 11,389 #HTML5 #Database
108 Regular Expressions 25,612 #Algorithms #Patterns #Search
109 Spring Integration 11,635 #Java #Spring #Integration
110 Java Enterprise Edition 7: Streamlining Modern Java Development 22,279 #Java
111 Debugging JavaScript 17,979 #JavaScript
112 Getting Started with Ajax 95,41 #HTML #JavaScript #Web Services/Servers
113 Struts2 33,362 #Design/UX #Java #Open Source
114 Java Performance Optimization 19,088 #Java #Performance #JVM
115 Reactive Programming with Akka 7,866 #Scala #Java #Akka
116 Getting Started with Play Framework 5,933 #Play #Java #Scala
117 Querying Graphs with Neo4j 3,778 #GraphDB #Database
118 Apache Spark 8,244 #Big Data #NoSQL
119 JavaServer Faces 42,639 #Design/UX #Java #Standards #XML
120 Getting Started with JPA 48,782 #Database #Java #Standards
121 PHP 5.4 13,891 #PHP
122 Core Java 87,343 #Algorithms #Java #Standards
123 Core CSS: Part II 67,223 #CSS
124 Spring Annotations 61,688 #Java
125 Getting Started with MyEclipse 18,424 #Eclipse #IDE #Java
126 JUnit and EasyMock 51,41 #ALM #Java
127 Essential Admin for MySQL 5.5 64,77 #Database #Open Source
128 Getting Started with Eclipse 67,586 #ALM #Eclipse #IDE
129 Essential Ruby 31,831 #Ruby
130 Core Seam 18,074 #Java #Security #XML
131 Getting Started with Hibernate Search 33,623 #Database #Java #Search
132 Essential JSP Expression Language 32,013 #Java #Standards
133 Core CSS: Part III 62,078 #CSS
134 Using XML in Java 48,77 #Java #XML
135 Core Mule 15,001 #Architecture #Open Source #SOA
136 Getting Started with Equinox and OSGi 18,579 #Architecture #Eclipse #Java
137 SOA Patterns 50,076 #Architecture #SOA #Web Services/Servers
138 Essential EMF 15,795 #Architecture #Eclipse #Java #Other Languages #XML
139 Spring Configuration 95,076 #Java #XML
140 Apache Tapestry 5.0 12,607 #Design/UX #Java #Standards
141 SOA Governance 19,111 #SOA
142 Seam UI 15,447 #Design/UX #Java #Standards
143 Scalability & High Availability 35,414 #Architecture #Big Data #Database
144 JBoss RichFaces 23,088 #Java #Standards #XML
145 Agile Adoption: Decreasing Time to Market 23,278 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM
146 Core ASP.NET 24,152 #.NET #C#
147 The Top Twelve Integration Patterns for Apache Camel 16,274 #Architecture #Java #XML
148 Flex & Spring Integration 17,598 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #XML
149 BIRT 3.7 Report Design: Eclipse-Based BI and Big Data Visualization 10,751 #ALM #Business Intelligence/Reporting #Eclipse #Java #Big Data
150 Windows PowerShell 65,235 #.NET #Windows
151 Scrum 62,648 #Agile/Methodologies
152 Effective Process Modeling with BPM & BPMN 24,794 #Agile/Methodologies #Other Languages
153 IntelliJ IDEA: Updated for 8.1 11,194 #IDE
154 Getting Started with db4o: Persisting .NET Object Data 9,661 #.NET #Database
155 Agile Adoption: Reducing Cost 25,239 #Agile/Methodologies
156 Apache Maven 2 52,965 #ALM #Java #Open Source
157 Getting Started with JavaFX 23,084 #Java
158 Getting Started with Spring-DM 23,512 #Architecture #Java
159 JavaServer Faces 2.0 40,68 #Java #Standards
160 Getting Started with Drupal 7 23,932 #PHP #Content Management #Drupal
161 Dependency Injection in EJB 3 43,613 #Java #Standards #XML
162 Getting Started with Grails 22,068 #Groovy
163 Core Java Concurrency 79,649 #Algorithms #Java
164 Getting Started with Eclipse RCP 20,015 #Eclipse #IDE
165 Getting Started with Apache Wicket 17,99 #Design/UX #Java #Open Source
166 Core HTML 55,589 #HTML
167 ServiceMix 4.2: The Apache Open Source ESB 13,414 #Architecture #Open Source #SOA #Web Services/Servers
168 Getting Started with ColdFusion 9 9,361 #ColdFusion
169 Getting Started with Selenium 25,386 #ALM #JavaScript #Open Source
170 Getting Started with Oracle Berkeley DB 12,088 #Database #NoSQL
171 Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 17,405 #.NET
172 jQuery Selectors 85,519 #CSS #JavaScript
173 Eclipse Plug-in Development 19,577 #Eclipse
174 Essential PostgreSQL 28,514 #Database #Open Source
175 Getting Started with Windows Presentation Foundation 18,464 #.NET #Design/UX
176 Getting Started with LiveCycle Data Services ES 9,154 #Database #E-Commerce #Flex/ActionScript #Java
177 Agile Adoption: Improving Software Quality 31,411 #Agile/Methodologies #Architecture
178 Getting Started with BlazeDS 11,719 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers
179 Getting Started with Domain-Driven Design 48,243 #Agile/Methodologies #Architecture
180 Core WS-BPEL: Business Process Execution Language 15,26 #Agile/Methodologies #Other Languages #Standards
181 Getting Started with Virtualization 23,329 #.NET #Virtualization
182 Google App Engine for Java 35,291 #Cloud #Java
183 Design Patterns 170,986 #Architecture
184 NetBeans Platform 7.0: A Framework for Building Pluggable Enterprise Applications 16,712 #IDE #Java
185 Essential F# 15,73 #.NET #Other Languages
186 Getting Started with Cloud Computing 40,573 #Cloud
187 Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform 29,24 #Java #Standards
188 Continuous Integration: Patterns and Anti-patterns 43,144 #ALM
189 Vaadin: A Familiar Way to Build Web Apps with Java 31,929 #Design/UX #Java #JavaScript
190 Spring Web Flow 30,79 #Design/UX #E-Commerce #IDE #Java
191 Continuous Integration: Servers and Tools 27,739 #ALM #Open Source
192 Getting Started with Caucho Resin 7,278 #Java #Standards #Web Services/Servers
193 Getting Started with the Zend Framework 14,846 #IDE #Open Source #PHP
194 Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2 14,077 #Flex/ActionScript #Ruby
195 Getting Started with Adobe ColdFusion Builder 5,451 #ColdFusion #IDE
196 Getting Started with Adobe Flash Builder 4 9,88 #Flex/ActionScript #IDE
197 Getting Started with Silverlight and Expression Blend 14,275 #.NET #C# #Design/UX #IDE
198 Getting Started with Lean Software Development 24,135 #Agile/Methodologies
199 Getting Started with Git 83,348 #ALM #Open Source
200 Getting Started with Java GUI Development 44,753 #Design/UX #Java
201 Getting Started with PHP and Flex 5,92 #Flex/ActionScript #PHP
202 Getting Started with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 20,983 #ALM #Java #Standards
203 Getting Started with Maven Repository Management 31,832 #ALM #Java
204 Getting Started with Java EE Security 31,513 #Java #Security #Standards
1 GWT Style, Configuration and JSNI Reference 27,995 #Java #JavaScript
2 Silverlight 2 17,892 #.NET #C# #Design/UX
3 Getting Started with Fitnesse 14,9 #ALM
4 JDBC Best Practices 40,08 #Architecture #Database #Java #Standards
5 Flex 4 and Spring 3 Integration 18,806 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers #XML
6 Leveraging ColdFusion 9 Exposed Services from Java 5,509 #ColdFusion #Java #Web Services/Servers
7 Getting Started with Apache Ant 27,359 #ALM #Java #Open Source #XML
8 Getting Started with NoSQL and Data Scalability 33,867 #Big Data #Database #NoSQL
9 Expression-Based Authorization with Spring Security 3 22,349 #Java #Security #XML
10 Getting Started with Griffon 10,471 #Groovy #Open Source
11 Getting Started with Firebug 1.5 29,832 #ALM #CSS #HTML #JavaScript
12 Getting Started with Kanban for Software Development 27,972 #Agile/Methodologies
13 IntelliJ IDEA 21,784 #ALM #IDE
14 Objective-C for the iPhone and iPad 28,679 #C/C++ #iOS
15 Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 20,115 #.NET #Web Services/Servers
16 Getting Started with UML 59,491 #ALM #Architecture #Open Source
17 Getting Started with Adobe Flash Catalyst 6,72 #Design/UX #Flex/ActionScript
18 Application Prototyping with SketchFlow 21,377 #.NET #ALM #Design/UX
19 Getting Started with Infinispan 11,529 #Database #Java #NoSQL #Open Source #XML
20 Adobe ColdFusion Web Services for PHP Programmers 6,29 #ColdFusion #PHP #Web Services/Servers
21 Getting Started with Apache Hadoop 36,68 #Architecture #Big Data #Database #Open Source
22 Getting Started with Visual Studio 2010 23,687 #.NET #C# #IDE
23 Getting Started with Application Lifecycle Management 28,231 #ALM
24 Getting Started with GlassFish Application Server v3 18,309 #Java #Standards #Web Services/Servers
25 Apache Solr: Getting Optimal Search Results 23,542 #Algorithms #Search #Web Services/Servers #XML
26 Open Source Media Framework: Building Simple Custom Video Players 10,224 #Design/UX #Flex/ActionScript #Video/Animation
27 Functional Programming with Clojure: Simple Concurrency on the JVM 15,713 #Clojure #Java
28 HTML5: New Standards for Web Interactivity 65,144 #HTML #Standards
29 PHPUnit: PHP Test-Driven Development — Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality 15,249 #ALM #PHP
30 Selenium 2.0: Using the WebDriver API to Create Robust User Acceptance Tests 22,236 #ALM #JavaScript #Open Source
31 Liferay Essentials: A Definitive Guide for Enterprise Portal Development 19,162 #Content Management #Design/UX #Java
32 Developing a Silverlight Application for Windows Phone 7 9,219 #.NET #Windows Phone
33 What's New in JPA 2.0 27,01 #Database #Java #Standards
34 REST: Foundations of RESTful Architecture 59,501 #Standards #Web Services/Servers
35 RSS and Atom 24,525 #Content Management #Web Services/Servers
36 Designing Quality Software: Architectural and Technical Best Practices 41,401 #Architecture
37 ADO.NET Entity Framework: Object-Relational Mapping and Data Access 16,27 #.NET #Database #IDE
38 Mastering Portals with a Portlet Bridge 10,307 #Architecture #Content Management #Design/UX #Java #Standards
39 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint for Reliable Distributed Computing 19,111 #Algorithms #Architecture #Big Data #Database #Open Source
40 Cloud Computing with Windows Azure Platform 13,175 #.NET #Cloud #Windows
41 The MVVM Design Pattern: A Formula for Elegant, Maintainable Mobile Apps 21,477 #.NET #Architecture #Windows Phone
42 WebMatrix: Advanced Web Development Made Simple 14,507 #.NET #Content Management #E-Commerce #PHP #Windows
43 Understanding Lucene: Powering Better Search Results 18,619 #Algorithms #Java #Search #XML
44 RichFaces 4.0: A Next Generation JSF Framework 17,449 #
45 Spring Roo: Making Java Fun Again 25,027 #IDE #Java
46 NetBeans IDE 7: Programming in Java 7 27,054 #IDE #Java #NetBeans
47 Mule 3.3: Simplifying SOA 10,719 #SOA #Open Source #Web Services/Servers
48 Node.js: Building for Scalability with Server-Side JavaScript 35,966 #JavaScript #Open Source
49 Adobe Flash Builder 4.5: Develop for Web, Desktop and Mobile 10,457 #Flex/ActionScript #IDE
50 ColdFusion Builder 2: Faster Coding, Less Errors 4,261 #ColdFusion #IDE
51 EclipseLink JPA: An Advanced ORM Persistence Framework 19,107 #Database #Eclipse #Java
52 Continuous Delivery: Patterns and Antipatterns in the Software Lifecycle 36,61 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
53 Flex Mobile Development: Build Apps for Android, iOS, and BlackBerry Tablet OS 14,446 #Android #Flex/ActionScript #IDE #iOS
54 Eclipse Tools for Spring: The SpringSource Tool Suite 24,575 #Eclipse #IDE #Java
55 Mastering Portal UI Development With Vaadin and Liferay 18,368 #Content Management #Design/UX #Java
56 Chef: An Open Source Tool for Scalable Cloud and Data Center Automation 13,741 #
57 Groovy 40,267 #Groovy #Java
58 Java Enterprise Edition 6: The Most Elegant Enterprise Java yet 30,351 #Java
59 HTML5 Canvas: A Web Standard for Dynamic Graphics 34,355 #HTML #Standards #JavaScript
60 HTML5 WebSocket: Full-duplex Real-time Web Communication 28,644 #HTML #Standards #JavaScript
61 Apache Cassandra: A Fault-Tolerant, Massively Scalable NoSQL Database 17,992 #Database #NoSQL
62 Jetty: A Lightweight, Open-Source Web Server and Servlet Container 16,743 #Java #Web Services/Servers
63 Mockito: A Simple, Intuitive Mocking Framework 29,142 #Java #Agile/Methodologies
64 JavaFX 2.0: A Rich Client Platform for Java 13,203 #Java #Design/UX
65 Database Partitioning with MySQL: Improving Performance, Availability, and Manageability 14,573 #Database #Open Source
66 Big Data Machine Learning: Patterns for Predictive Analytics 21,682 #Algorithms #Database #Big Data
67 Apache HBase: The NoSQL Database for Hadoop and Big Data 13,013 #Database #Big Data
68 C# 55,46 #.NET #C#
69 Data Warehousing: Best Practices for Collecting, Storing, and Delivering Decision-Support Data 12,238 #Database #Big Data #Business Intelligence/Reporting
70 Jenkins on PaaS: Continuous Integration with Jenkins for Java Projects 13,335 #CI #Open Source #Java
71 Java Profiling with VisualVM: X-Ray Vision for Dramatic Performance Gains 16,643 #Java
72 Code Gems for Android Developers: Working with the World's Most Popular Mobile OS 18,868 #Java #Android
73 Getting Started with Scala 23,975 #JVM #Java #Scala
74 Deployment Automation Patterns 21,75 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
75 Patterns of Modular Architecture 27,011 #Architecture #Java #Eclipse
76 Software Configuration Management Patterns 16,036 #Architecture #Agile
77 Refactoring Patterns 23,038 #Architecture #Java #
78 Essential Apache HTTP Server 20,52 #Web Services/Servers #LAMP
79 Very First Steps in Flex 26,925 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers
80 Camel Essential Components 11,567 #Architecture #Java #XML
81 MongoDB 25,073 #Architecture #NoSQL #Database
82 HTTP: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol 26,583 #Web Services/Servers #Standards
83 Core JSON: The Fat Free Alternative to XML 32,942 #JavaScript
84 Object-Oriented JavaScript: Advanced Techniques for Serious Web Applications 33,971 #JavaScript
85 Core Dart: The Next-Generation Client-Side Web Programming Language 10,128 #JavaScript
86 Essential Couchbase APIs: Open Source NoSQL Data Access from Java, Ruby, and .NET 8,245 #Database #Java #.NET #Ruby
87 HTML5 Web Workers: Multithreaded JavaScript for High-Performance Web Applications 19,531 #HTML #Javascript #Architecture
88 Git Patterns and Anti-Patterns: Scaling from Workgroup to Enterprise 20,243 #ALM #Open Source
89 Sencha Touch 9,252 #HTML #JavaScript #Android
90 Core .NET 34,007 #.NET #C#
91 Preparing for Continuous Delivery 12,877 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM #DevOps
92 Binary Repository Management: Patterns for Performance, Security, and Traceability 8,516 #DevOps #ALM
93 Practical DNS: Managing Domains for Safety, Reliability, and Speed 13,639 #DevOps #ALM
94 Data Mining: Discovering and Visualizing Patterns with Python 13,635 #Database #Python #Architecture #Big Data
95 Core Spring Data 15,23 #Database #Java #Architecture #NoSQL
96 Getting Started with Subversion 12,709 #ALM #Open Source
97 HTML5 Mobile Development 17,655 #HTML #HTML5
98 Spring Batch 12,015 #Spring #Java #Architecture #framework
99 Business Rules Management with Drools 9,422 #Java #BPM
100 Core C++ 13,852 #C++ #Core
101 Core CSS: Part I 82,513 #CSS
102 Essential PostGIS 4,315 #PostGIS #Geodata
103 Getting Started with PhoneGap 10,772 #Mobile #HTML5 #PhoneGap
104 CSS3: Basics 18,182 #CSS #CSS3 #Web Design
105 Core Python 17,166 #Python #Core
106 Search Patterns 12,914 #Search #Patterns
107 HTML5 IndexedDB 11,389 #HTML5 #Database
108 Regular Expressions 25,612 #Algorithms #Patterns #Search
109 Spring Integration 11,635 #Java #Spring #Integration
110 Java Enterprise Edition 7: Streamlining Modern Java Development 22,279 #Java
111 Debugging JavaScript 17,979 #JavaScript
112 Getting Started with Ajax 95,41 #HTML #JavaScript #Web Services/Servers
113 Struts2 33,362 #Design/UX #Java #Open Source
114 Java Performance Optimization 19,088 #Java #Performance #JVM
115 Reactive Programming with Akka 7,866 #Scala #Java #Akka
116 Getting Started with Play Framework 5,933 #Play #Java #Scala
117 Querying Graphs with Neo4j 3,778 #GraphDB #Database
118 Apache Spark 8,244 #Big Data #NoSQL
119 JavaServer Faces 42,639 #Design/UX #Java #Standards #XML
120 Getting Started with JPA 48,782 #Database #Java #Standards
121 PHP 5.4 13,891 #PHP
122 Core Java 87,343 #Algorithms #Java #Standards
123 Core CSS: Part II 67,223 #CSS
124 Spring Annotations 61,688 #Java
125 Getting Started with MyEclipse 18,424 #Eclipse #IDE #Java
126 JUnit and EasyMock 51,41 #ALM #Java
127 Essential Admin for MySQL 5.5 64,77 #Database #Open Source
128 Getting Started with Eclipse 67,586 #ALM #Eclipse #IDE
129 Essential Ruby 31,831 #Ruby
130 Core Seam 18,074 #Java #Security #XML
131 Getting Started with Hibernate Search 33,623 #Database #Java #Search
132 Essential JSP Expression Language 32,013 #Java #Standards
133 Core CSS: Part III 62,078 #CSS
134 Using XML in Java 48,77 #Java #XML
135 Core Mule 15,001 #Architecture #Open Source #SOA
136 Getting Started with Equinox and OSGi 18,579 #Architecture #Eclipse #Java
137 SOA Patterns 50,076 #Architecture #SOA #Web Services/Servers
138 Essential EMF 15,795 #Architecture #Eclipse #Java #Other Languages #XML
139 Spring Configuration 95,076 #Java #XML
140 Apache Tapestry 5.0 12,607 #Design/UX #Java #Standards
141 SOA Governance 19,111 #SOA
142 Seam UI 15,447 #Design/UX #Java #Standards
143 Scalability & High Availability 35,414 #Architecture #Big Data #Database
144 JBoss RichFaces 23,088 #Java #Standards #XML
145 Agile Adoption: Decreasing Time to Market 23,278 #Agile/Methodologies #ALM
146 Core ASP.NET 24,152 #.NET #C#
147 The Top Twelve Integration Patterns for Apache Camel 16,274 #Architecture #Java #XML
148 Flex & Spring Integration 17,598 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #XML
149 BIRT 3.7 Report Design: Eclipse-Based BI and Big Data Visualization 10,751 #ALM #Business Intelligence/Reporting #Eclipse #Java #Big Data
150 Windows PowerShell 65,235 #.NET #Windows
151 Scrum 62,648 #Agile/Methodologies
152 Effective Process Modeling with BPM & BPMN 24,794 #Agile/Methodologies #Other Languages
153 IntelliJ IDEA: Updated for 8.1 11,194 #IDE
154 Getting Started with db4o: Persisting .NET Object Data 9,661 #.NET #Database
155 Agile Adoption: Reducing Cost 25,239 #Agile/Methodologies
156 Apache Maven 2 52,965 #ALM #Java #Open Source
157 Getting Started with JavaFX 23,084 #Java
158 Getting Started with Spring-DM 23,512 #Architecture #Java
159 JavaServer Faces 2.0 40,68 #Java #Standards
160 Getting Started with Drupal 7 23,932 #PHP #Content Management #Drupal
161 Dependency Injection in EJB 3 43,613 #Java #Standards #XML
162 Getting Started with Grails 22,068 #Groovy
163 Core Java Concurrency 79,649 #Algorithms #Java
164 Getting Started with Eclipse RCP 20,015 #Eclipse #IDE
165 Getting Started with Apache Wicket 17,99 #Design/UX #Java #Open Source
166 Core HTML 55,589 #HTML
167 ServiceMix 4.2: The Apache Open Source ESB 13,414 #Architecture #Open Source #SOA #Web Services/Servers
168 Getting Started with ColdFusion 9 9,361 #ColdFusion
169 Getting Started with Selenium 25,386 #ALM #JavaScript #Open Source
170 Getting Started with Oracle Berkeley DB 12,088 #Database #NoSQL
171 Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 17,405 #.NET
172 jQuery Selectors 85,519 #CSS #JavaScript
173 Eclipse Plug-in Development 19,577 #Eclipse
174 Essential PostgreSQL 28,514 #Database #Open Source
175 Getting Started with Windows Presentation Foundation 18,464 #.NET #Design/UX
176 Getting Started with LiveCycle Data Services ES 9,154 #Database #E-Commerce #Flex/ActionScript #Java
177 Agile Adoption: Improving Software Quality 31,411 #Agile/Methodologies #Architecture
178 Getting Started with BlazeDS 11,719 #Flex/ActionScript #Java #Web Services/Servers
179 Getting Started with Domain-Driven Design 48,243 #Agile/Methodologies #Architecture
180 Core WS-BPEL: Business Process Execution Language 15,26 #Agile/Methodologies #Other Languages #Standards
181 Getting Started with Virtualization 23,329 #.NET #Virtualization
182 Google App Engine for Java 35,291 #Cloud #Java
183 Design Patterns 170,986 #Architecture
184 NetBeans Platform 7.0: A Framework for Building Pluggable Enterprise Applications 16,712 #IDE #Java
185 Essential F# 15,73 #.NET #Other Languages
186 Getting Started with Cloud Computing 40,573 #Cloud
187 Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform 29,24 #Java #Standards
188 Continuous Integration: Patterns and Anti-patterns 43,144 #ALM
189 Vaadin: A Familiar Way to Build Web Apps with Java 31,929 #Design/UX #Java #JavaScript
190 Spring Web Flow 30,79 #Design/UX #E-Commerce #IDE #Java
191 Continuous Integration: Servers and Tools 27,739 #ALM #Open Source
192 Getting Started with Caucho Resin 7,278 #Java #Standards #Web Services/Servers
193 Getting Started with the Zend Framework 14,846 #IDE #Open Source #PHP
194 Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2 14,077 #Flex/ActionScript #Ruby
195 Getting Started with Adobe ColdFusion Builder 5,451 #ColdFusion #IDE
196 Getting Started with Adobe Flash Builder 4 9,88 #Flex/ActionScript #IDE
197 Getting Started with Silverlight and Expression Blend 14,275 #.NET #C# #Design/UX #IDE
198 Getting Started with Lean Software Development 24,135 #Agile/Methodologies
199 Getting Started with Git 83,348 #ALM #Open Source
200 Getting Started with Java GUI Development 44,753 #Design/UX #Java
201 Getting Started with PHP and Flex 5,92 #Flex/ActionScript #PHP
202 Getting Started with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 20,983 #ALM #Java #Standards
203 Getting Started with Maven Repository Management 31,832 #ALM #Java
204 Getting Started with Java EE Security 31,513 #Java #Security #Standards
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Автор: Ivasoft